Dec 10, 2013

Room-in-seek: LVL 3 out of 5 for the month

 I've decided that many penguins will not like to play Room In Seek. SO I've decided to make only 5 levels each month. 

 Let's begin today's Room In Seek!

 The answer to yesterday's Room In Seek was... The Fire Dojo!

Next, I will show you some screenshots for Level 3.

What kind of place has a drawn heart, or drawn fish? And where is that Moderator badge!?!

Pic hints:

Pic1: That fish will help you learn.

Pic2: Whoever owns this heart is a good "sport".

Pic3: Don't let the blue thing trick you--it's a sign, not a window.

Look for every picture!

Happy Christmas (lol) |!|

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